6 Tips to Prevent Snakes from Infesting Your Property

With debris piled high in your yard, along with food scraps sitting around for composting, you might just be attracting snakes to your property. After all, they love hiding in damp places, and with food scraps attracting all sorts of pests like rodents, snakes might just be around to enjoy a feast.

That said, if you are trying to figure out a way to prevent snakes from coming to your yard, let's share with you a few tips on what you can do:

1. Keep Your Yard Clean

One of the things that you can do to keep snakes away is to keep your yard free of debris. Try and make sure that no vegetation is growing high and that your yard is free of debris so that snakes will not have a place to hide. Also, make sure that you are cleaning up any food scraps or leftover food so that snakes will not be attracted to your yard.

2. Keep Your Yard Well Lit

One thing that you can do to discourage snakes from coming to your yard is by keeping it well lit. After all, snakes are nocturnal creatures, and they don't really like being under the sunlight. So, by keeping your yard well-lit at night, you'll be able to discourage snakes from coming to your yard.

3. Put Up Fences

Another thing that you can do to discourage snakes from coming to your yard is by putting up fences. After all, snakes like to crawl to higher places, and if there is something to climb on, then they might just be making their way there. So, by putting up high fences, you'll be able to discourage snakes from visiting your yard.

4. Use A Yard Sprayer

You can also use a yard spray to help discourage snakes from visiting your yard. The yard spray that you use can be a chemical made of pepper, molasses, and/or water, which is said to be able to irritate snakes, resulting in them staying away from your property.

5. Use Snake Repellents

Just like home remedies to discourage snakes from visiting your yard, you can also use store-bought liquid repellents to do the trick. If you want, you can check out products like Revoke® Snake Repellent.

6. Call a Wildlife Or Pest Control Company

If you find that you have a large snake problem, then you might want to consider hiring a professional. They will be able to help you with getting rid of the snakes, and in some cases, they might even be able to go over your home and figure out how to prevent snakes from coming back. You'll find that hiring a professional can be quite beneficial to you.


So, hopefully, you are now able to figure out what steps you can take so that you can keep snakes away from your yard. After all, snakes are scary creatures, and nobody wants to live in fear that a slithering snake might just be in their yard.

So, take note of the tips that we've shared with you today, and remember that if you are interested in figuring out how to prevent snakes from coming to your yard, you can always hire a wildlife specialist. You might want to check with your local home improvement stores, as they should be able to point you in the right direction, too!

Revoke® Snake Repellent is an all-natural product that's safe with pets and children yet effective at deterring snakes from entering your property. If you are looking for the best snake repellent, check out our products!