Keep Snakes Away
All natural, eco-friendly, Safe with Pets and Children.
The only pod delivery system available in the market for indoor & outdoor use.

Protect The Ones You Love
Let the smell repel!! New all natural, patented delivery system that's used indoors & outdoors without leaving a mess.
Snakes and other reptiles have an extra sensitive taste and smell receptor known as “Jacobson's Organ”. When snakes and other reptiles slither into areas near REVOKE, they experience an unpleasant odor and bitter taste that makes them want to flee and never come back. But don't worry – you and your family won't smell a thing.
- Remove pods from package.
- DO NOT remove lid on pods.
- Place pod in entry areas where snakes and other unwanted reptiles can enter (garage entrances, door entrances, crawl spaces, porches, underneath decks, pool areas, boat docks).
- Pods may also be placed in storage areas, closets, attics and corner of any room in the house.
Aroma from pods is highly offensive to snakes Jacobsen organ receptors and causes them to leave and stay away from affected areas.
All natural
Prevents snakes from entering, nesting and foraging
Safe for people and pets when used as directed
Patented contained delivery system for clean indoor and outdoor use
Long lasting and rain resistant performance

Try-J Enterprises is a family-owned small business located in Memphis, TN. Our mission is to provide customers with a safe, self-contained, environmentally friendly product that deters snakes and other unwanted reptiles from their homes, both outside and inside. With 22 years of experience in the pest and animal control industry, we are committed to providing safe, simple solutions to deter unwanted invaders of any kind.
Let's TalkFAQs
REVOKE repels all snakes, as well as other reptiles, amphibians, and mammals that have a vomeronasal organ (VNO), or Jacobson's organ. These animals have a sense of smell that is 10 times stronger than a humans. The fragrance from the oils offends these pests, sending them in the other direction.
REVOKE pods should be placed at garage entrances, closets, attics, bathrooms, underneath cabinets, and anywhere else intruders are a problem.