Beginner’s Guide to Getting Rid of Lizards In Your Home
Although lizards play an important role in our ecosystem by controlling insect populations, they are not a welcome sight around homes or properties. Whether you’re finding lizards in your house, your yard, or around your landscaping, you probably don’t want them around. In this article, we’ll share our top tips on the best ways to remove them without harming them or yourself.
What Are the Most Common Lizards?
You probably already know what a lizard looks like, as lizards are widespread around the world and are recognizable, but did you know there are more than 4,000 lizard species out there? That said, in the United States, there are two specific species we usually see in our houses. They are the common house gecko and the Carolina anole (also known as the green anole).
Common house geckos are the most common lizard species in the United States, but they prefer to live in warm climates. The average house gecko is 3-6 inches in length and has a flat, arrowhead-shaped skull. Their most distinctive physical feature is their skin, which is roughly 20 percent dry waxy collagen; this is the main reason that they can climb walls so easily. House geckos typically display a subtle pattern of light and dark spots that range in color from olive green to tan. House geckos are also nocturnal, so they're most likely to find their way inside during the winter.
Carolina anoles are small lizards that grow to about 5-8.” They have bright green and brown scales that help them blend into their environment depending on the conditions of their environment. If the lizard is brown, it may have a series of faint markings along its back. The small lizards also display a pink throat fan for attracting mates in areas where the space is limited. These small lizards usually make their home in trees but can be found anywhere: on sunny fences, rooftops, and even inside houses when it’s cold outside.
What Attracts Lizards?
Lizards are small reptiles, and most of us don’t think of them as pests. A few, however, can occasionally take over a part of your home, yard, or garden. At times like this, you need to know how to deal with them. The first step is to uncover their root cause.
Like all pests, lizards love food; they’ll happily set up shop anywhere they can find it. Most of their diet consists of worms, ants, spiders, beetles, and flies (meaning you’ll possibly have a lizard problem if you have any of those pests); however, they enjoy eating fruits and vegetables too. They’ll eat anything that people happen to drop on the floor, which is one of the reasons they’re common in kitchens and bathrooms. They like places with plenty of moisture – either inside or out – as well as areas with access to water; pet bowls, birdbaths, or even leaking pipes and fixtures will provide enough of it for them to survive and thrive for months.
How Do You Get Rid of Lizards?
To get rid of lizards living in your home, you should focus less on the lizards themselves and more on the bugs and insects they eat. In other words, you should treat for lizards by treating for pests, like bugs and insects. You can get lizards out of your home by eliminating lizards' food sources. Apply common pest control practices, like using secure trash cans and compost bins, cleaning up food quickly, and keeping your home clean.
You should also make it more difficult for lizards to get into your home. To keep lizards out of your home, find out how they’re entering in the first place. Lizards are tiny animals with flexible bodies and can fit through small cracks. On the outside of your home, use caulk to fill holes, weather-stripping to the sides of windows and doors, and screen to patch bigger access points, like vents.
We hope this guide proves to be useful when it comes to helping you get rid of lizards in your home. While this may seem like a daunting task, it’s not something that you won’t be able to accomplish as long as you know what you’re doing. Be sure to keep everything you’ve learned here in mind so that you can get rid of pests in your home.
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